Learning Disabilities in Primary Care

Researchers at Surrey Heartlands collaborated with The Sunnybank Trust and production company Strange Beast to produce an insightful short film based on real-life experiences of people with a learning disability, exploring their experience of accessing Primary Care services, and Annual Health Checks in particular. 
People with a learning disability tend to have worse physical and mental health than the general population. Good quality healthcare and effective access to Primary Care services are key to tackling such inequalities. 
This work seeks to support healthcare professionals working in Primary Care to understand more about the experiences, challenges and needs of people with learning disabilities, empowering them to take positive action.
Together we can break down barriers and enable people with a learning disability to live healthy, fulfilling lives. 
For more information, advice and support, visit the Surrey Heartlands website at https://bit.ly/3Oy7Iho

Full Credit List
Animation Team
Director & Designer – Ivyy Chen
Senior Producer Becky – Perryman
Animation Producer – Nefeli Petika 
Production Assistant – Maria Kolandawel 
Production Company – Strange Beast 
2D animation – Chen-Hao Chuang, Tyler Wu, Sabine Volkert 
Colour – Ding Do, Yan Dan Wong, Kitty Hsieh 
Compositing – Tony Comley 
Sound Design and Music – Sarah Playford 

Research Team
Silvia Molino – Chief Investigator, Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership
Rich Stockley – Co-investigator, Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership
Lucy Dixon – Co-investigator, Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership
Erica Dodd – Collaborator Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership
Sreya Pokkali – Collaborator, Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership
Dorothy Watson – Collaborator, The Sunnybank Trust
Claire Dawson – Collaborator, The Sunnybank Trust
Faith Race – Collaborator, The Sunnybank Trust
Mathumeera Balendra – Collaborator, The Sunnybank Trust
Matteo Duff – Collaborator, The Sunnybank Trust

Research Partners
Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership
The Sunnybank Trust  

Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership

Additional credits
KeyRing Living Support Networks

Special thanks to
Michael B.
Martin B.
Violet F.
Victoria G.
Claude and Lucia G.

🏆 Learning Disabilities in Primary Care won the Best Animated Documentaries
at London International Animation Festival 2022

Photo taken from Q&A session after the screening